cursor: auto (uses what is set by user)
cursor: crosshair (should produce a cross)
cursor: default (cursor remains as it is)
cursor: e-resize (arrow pointing left)
cursor: hand (the traditional pointing hand)
cursor: help (a question mark should appear)
cursor: move (a cross with arrows on the tips)
cursor: n-resize (an arrow pointing north or up)
cursor: ne-resize (an arrow pointing northeast)
cursor: nw-resize (an arrow pointing northwest)
cursor: pointer (that hand again)
cursor: s-resize (an arrow pointing south or down)
cursor: se-resize (an arrow pointing southeast)
cursor: sw-resize (an arrow pointing southwest)
cursor: text (looks like the end of an i-beam)
cursor: w-resize (an arrow pointing west)
cursor: wait (an hourglass)